Thursday, April 11, 2013

Lancome Genifique eye cream real review

Ok so I don't like to buy the good stuff if Im not 100 percent sure the product works. This product retails for about $60 online or in department stores which I consider pricey. So I didn't spring for it but I did score a pretty good size sample at the Lancôme counter. Well let me just say Im one of those fortunate 41 year old who has bags under my eyes so Im on a mission to find the best eye cream, (or maybe a plastic surgeon). Anyway I have to say I liked the way it felt when it went on and I really had high hopes that this was the one but unfortunately I saw no real change in the three weeks Ive been using it. Now I know that isn't a lot of time but at that price I cant afford to wait months to see some sign of improvement. If you use this product and think it is gods gift to eyes please post and tell me if you think it is worth giving it more time but for me no change in three weeks makes me want to move on to the next. Please understand I don't mind paying a lot for a product that lives up to its claims but I think most of us need to see some improvement to stick with a product.


  1. This product is intended for dark circles under the eye. Eye Light Pearl is made for puffiness. The Advisor will actually demonstrate it on your eye there at the counter and if you wait till it dries you will see the difference between the treated and untreated eye.

  2. Thanks Ann, I will try eye light pearl and see what I think.
