Monday, April 15, 2013

Cool Sculpting review/ Zeltiq review

When I was thinking about doing cool sculpting I read all the reviews I could find. So if you are reading this and considering please know this is a completely honest review of my experience and if you have any questions please post a comment or email me and I promise I will reply as quickly as I can. So the more reviews I read the more nervous I got about going through with this procedure, there were many comments about excessive pain that lasted for weeks. First of all this is a fairly expensive procedure, I paid $1500 for my lower abdomen which seemed in line with what I had read. So aside from the pain and expense then there were the people who said they saw no difference what so ever after having this done, Yikes! Well I opted to go through with it anyway and this is how it went for me. First of all let me say I'm 5'7 and I weigh 125 pounds so most people would probably describe me as slim. Prior to having my two children I confidently would expose my stomach at any given chance. I never had the super flat stomach but it was a good stomach. After two kids I was left with a pooch that isn't going anywhere without plastic surgery or starvation. I work out and I watch what I eat so I was a very good candidate for this procedure. This is not for someone who is looking for easy weight loss. They say you can reduce the area you treat by 30 percent typically. So grab your fat roll and picture it about a third smaller, it really isn't a big difference. So when I went in the first thing the doctor did was grab my lower stomach to make sure I had enough fat to be a good candidate. I had enough,( boy is that a great feeling when someone is telling you that yes you absolutely have enough belly fat, NOT!) Then I undressed and was brought into a room with a nurse and the machine which basically freezes your fat. The nurse warned me that the first part where it sucks in your fat is the most startling and it may feel as though I cant breath but I will be able to,(thank god she told me that because that is what precisely happens). Once I realized I could breath I was quite uncomfortable but she told me once it froze which takes about four minutes, you really cant feel anything. She was right and although it is still a bit uncomfortable it really wasn't bad. Then you sit there and let the machine do its thing for about an hour, you can read or text or take a nap. When you are done she comes in and takes the machine off and your fat is basically frozen like a brick and they massage it for about a minute,(I didn't look because I really didn't want to see that). That's it and then they send you on your way. That night the area felt very strange, not painful, just strange like I had done something very foreign to my body,(which I had). This very strange feeling lasted about two weeks but lessoned every day. I NEVER experienced pain from this procedure like many of the horror stories I read about. Yes I was aware I had done something but nothing that warranted more than an advil. That being said we are all different and many many people said they did have pain so I can only speak from my experience. So now to what is the most important part, the results. First of all this is a slow gradual thing and it takes up to three months to see the full results, don't think you will go home and see a difference. Actually I felt swollen and bloated for about two weeks after I had this done. Anyway after three months which is what it has been for me I do see a difference, nothing major but probably exactly what they say, about thirty percent. If you are looking for dramatic change than this probably isn't for you. For me it is a slight difference but that slight change really makes me happy and YES I am pleased I did it and considering doing the love handles as well. I hope I have helped someone make a decision and I would be happy to answer any questions if you post one.


  1. I am about the same body type as you... I'm 5'8'' and about 133 lbs. The area I want to do is my pooch because I have always had a small layer of fat there that won't go away even though I eat very healthy and run 3x a week!! I just want a flatter tummy! I would love to see your before and after pictures if you have them...Thanks:)

  2. Hi Kathryn,
    I don't have before and after pictures but it sounds like you and I have similar body types and healthy habits. I would just like to stress that the results are very subtle. You will not see any dramatic change, as a matter of fact I don't even think it would be noticeable to anyone but you. It also is not immediate results, you need to give it the full three months. It is a lot of money but all in all I was glad I did it even though it is just a slight change it makes me happy. Hope that helps and I would love to hear what others who did this would have to say.

    1. Lucky you. I had it done in Sugarland, Tx for $1.200. My lower belly and was very upset. Should have saved my money for lipo.

    2. I am in Sugar Land, TX and was looking into it at Advanced Dermatology. Please tell me more about your experience Maria C.

    3. OH Lord, I bet the women that are replying to these comments are either family members friends or acquaintances of someone that works for;or are associated with, somebody that's either a part of the Industry..or Salespeople, owners friends of owners of Zeltig. I Just wanted to give MY honest opinion..i went to have this procedure done, spent about 4,500.00 dollars..Had 4 adapters put on at one time on one day, and another 4 adapters put on the next day..My experience was Horrible..the Pain during the procedure...and after the Tech massaged the areas, because she said that it was necessary..Well that pain was intolerable but I held it together, because I wanted to get great results...I went home and began to experience swelling, pain, and felt like I was 5mths pregnant, kidding!..almost three mths later?..NO results. and they had ther nerve to send me my before and after pictures of which YOU can seriously see that the before pics were better than the after...I complained and spoke to different people at the facility..And its funny how the first time you go in they tell you that youre a great candidate, afterwards..When you look horrible they tell you that they should've never taken you as a candidate and then they contradict one another..Im seriously considering making this a class action lawsuit if I can get more people to come forward..I will Never tell anyone, friends family or acquaintances about this procedure..all it is IS a "money making" industry...buyer beware!...I lost a lot of hard earned money..:(

    4. Well you had nothing to lose 125 your weight so no it would not be noticeable. I would like to hear from people who 's weight is 150+ maybe then I would say it works

    5. I did too $3500.00 nothing change in Hickory NC that was big Mistake.

    6. I spent almost $4,000 and saw No results, I considered this because they said it was guaranteed and better then lipo. I am not sure if I can get my money back, but if they dont I will have to put a complaint because they said this was guaranteed. Any one else complaint?

    7. I had Cool Sculpting done in Colorado Springs, CO. I am 5'4" and weigh around 138. I was so excited to have this procedure done to my stomach area. I paid $3,000.00. What a waste of money, I did not lose 1 inch. I walk a 5K every Tuesday and do aerobics 3 times per week so I think that's fairly active. But still nothing!! I am so disappointed. Not only will I be chubby forever but I am out so much money. Should have known it was too good to be true.

    8. Just cardio won't make you tighten your skin or lose inches. Do weights three times a week. You don't have to be chubby forever! It's not impossible, if you're willing to try it.

    9. Dear Anonymous poster from December 20, 2014...I am suffering the exact same situation you just described. I have been looking for posts like yours for months but it seems that everyone on here posts the same great results. I don't know if I should be jealous or Leary. I'm going with Leary. I am in much worse condition now -post procedure of 5 months- then before I went in. I expected the first few days were going to be the worst so I waited it out but then I felt that this was terribly wrong. I called my office back and asked to be seen. They had me coming back every 2 weeks for 3 months for follow ups. I kept telling the staff that this pain and swelling was just not what I had expected to be normal. They just kept saying they were checking in with their higher authority and that my body just needed more time to heal. More weeks went by. I look and feel like I am 6 months pregnant now, before I was at least half of what I am. I eat right and exercise almost daily. I gained 6 lbs since the procedure (I had lost 15 lbs and thought this would be great to kick start the rest of the stubborn bulge). I can only attribute the weight gain as swelling and because I had to stop Zumba and any hard cardio sessions for almost 3 months, the pain was just too intense. I continued with Yoga and Pilates to keep with my routine as the staff kept encouraging my slow recovery. I tried girdles to hold me in place, I tried Tylenol because Advil was not advised or it could hinder results. I tried everything they offered but just got fed up with being bounced around. Please Please lets start a class action law suit!!! I don't want anymore people to suffer the ill effects of this horrible treatment.!!!

    10. Dear Anonymous Nov 6.
      It's a Scam. Everybody that claims that it works is thin or atletic to start

    11. Hello, I am scheduled to have my procedure on Saturday...I had traditional lipo in April but didn't really follow my diet or workout schedule so of course it came back. I'm having my love handles done and I'm 5'7 1/2 and currently weigh 195 but my butt is BIG lol I'm a big boned person but want to drop about 15 lbs in my stomach area. I'm wondering is this right for me, I don't want to throw money away ya know.

    12. Dear Unknown from November 10, 2015 - I really don't think you are a good candidate for the procedure. Judging from your height and weight, your BMI is probably considered obese. You will not see results. Like prior posts, this procedure is for folks that are already slim and having issues with one pocket area of fat. I wouldn't waste your money.

  3. Hi - I heard that if you have 3 treatments then it removes 75% of the fat, do you know if this is the case?
    I guess this many treatments would also bring the cost inline with liposuction.
    Thank for taking the time to do an honest review - much appreciated!

    1. I have same body type as OP (5'5, 116lbs) had a 6-pack til I hit 40 then suddenly at 41, a pooch! Procedure was exactly as OP described, weird, but not painful at all. Now, a few hours later, it's like I never had it done - just a bit numb. YES, if you do it again, you get 50%, then 75% reduction....wait 4 weeks in between (at least) 6 is better. :) very happy I did it.

  4. I am wondering if this procedure can be repeated on the same area safely and, if so, how often, how much time between treatments, and if the results would be the same as the first time

  5. I have had this procedure done twice on each side (love handles) and loved the results! I've just gotten home from a third procedure ( little lower love handles) and I'm excited for the results. Once this goes down I may go back for just a little more (upper love handles) I've only experienced mild discomfort. I'm OK with the time/cost of this procedure because I'm more uncomfortable the
    more invasive options.
    I'm 5'7", 133 lbs, eat healthy, etc
    Hope that helps

    1. I'm really curious if you thought doing the area twice made a big difference. I'm considering doing the love handles but maybe I should do the belly one more time to see if it makes a bigger difference. Maybe I will post my pic and let the readers decide which they think.

    2. I had my inner thighs done 6 weeks ago and can see the results already. I am going to do them again at the 3 month mark. I did my flanks 3 weeks ago and notice a difference. I've had several areas done and very happy I did them. All areas feel smaller. I have more to pinch than the smaller frames commenting here and so far just a few weeks in have seen noticeable changes. I will repeat certain areas once the 3-4 month mark is up. I am doing my lower abs in a few weeks.

    3. Where did you have it done? What State?

  6. LOVE COOLSCULPTING! I have done upper belly and lower twice, love handles once and inner thighs once. At the medispa I go to they lower the price to $500for the small and $750 for large after the initial $ 1200 treatment...I obviously keep going back because I really feel it works! My legs are still kinda "numb" after a month or so but I am dying to do it on my outter thigh. I got a $ 11, 000 estimate for lipo...I can have so many more coolsculpting treatments in more aread with coolsculpting. I am 27 never had children and am 5'1" 110 lbs. It is SCULPTING my body and encouraging me to eat better and work out because it has taken my body to a level that hasn't been possible with working out. I hope its preventing that pouch that I hear about after you have babys....if not, ill do it again! I just wish there was a knee attachment.

    1. Can you tell us where you got yours done for the $1200, 750 and 500 fees? Thanks

    2. You must work for the company. Because i had it done three days ago and I am in so much pain. I am so bloated and bigger then I was when I went in.And I have to go back tommorrow and I am afraid to death to go back

    3. I am a week out from having my tummy done. I too look 4 -5 months pregnant. I'll know in September if I have any regrets. Oh $4500!

    4. I have a lot of pain too and I definitely have a high pain tolerance - until I discovered ice packs really worked best as pain relief. The results are just now noticeable 12 weeks post procedure. At 46 my stomach has been the issue. Definitely notice a reduction in the pooch , I did six treatments on the one day, lower stomach right and left , upper right and left and side right and left. treatment was no problem, then I had a lot of swelling and then nerve pain from about day 4-10. At the time swore I would never do again but that was more because I was caught unaware. Was told down time was negligible and this really was not accurate. My best advice is wear compression garments at all times until day 10, ice constantly (frozen hot water bottles work super well for tummy area). be realistic - 25% reduction is what is promised. Retreatments are 25% of what is left not 25% of what you started with.

  7. I had a lot of pain but I also had a lot of fat/area in the belly. I wonder if those of us with more were more likely to feel the pain (jabs, stabbing). It worked very well, though. I was dieting at the same time but I can tell you the diet alone wouldn't have allowed me to drop the pant sizes that I did. I'm 5'2" and was 140; I eat right and work out. I just got gob-smacked by menopause and ballooned up.

    1. I would like to no how long did it take for you to see results? In my mine itblooks like I see something now but I think it is to soon please keep in touch because I feel like u & I have a bit in common

    2. I think you really need to wait the three months to see the true results. It was so slight for me I really couldn't tell you when exactly, sorry so vague.

    3. I am very happy to hear your results. I am going in on March 16 to correct some areas of not so good results from lipo. I am also 5'2" and weigh in the neighborhood of between 135-140 and this all happened during menopause which I am over that hill now, thankfully. I used to weigh between 118 and 123. Lipo was extremely painful and I will never do it again. I hope this is not as painful.

  8. Hello I also had coolscupiting done on Monday Oct 7 it wasn't painful for me @ all. But today is Sunday I feel a little of the stabing sensation in my stomach.. I had my lower ab done I am doing weight watchers and I am also going through menopause I am 5ft & 146lb I'm solid but people tell me they dont see me as big or how I say fat iny opinion I've had 3C section so I have a poach I hope thus works for me if it gives me the results I want I will go for another treatment I hope the treatment works for everyone

    1. Hi Rochelle,
      I am happy to hear you didn't have the awful pain like some people, I didn't either and I was so scared. I only did the one treatment and for me it has been nine months now. I really try to stress how slight the difference has been for me so people don't think it will be some dramatic change. That being said I am still glad I did it and would like to do the sides. I would love to hear how you make out and about your results. I strongly suggest taking your own pictures and document it monthly, I didn't and I really regret it. Take care.

  9. I am scheduled to have this done in a week and like most on this post, I am 5'3", weigh 125, eat healthy and workout. I have that pooch in the lower abdomen area especially when I sit down which drives me crazy. I know it is only a slight change but I am wondering if you feel like for you, did it help with that? Did it tighten that area or just make it smaller and now the skin bunches when you sit down?

    1. I did this treatment three weeks ago and I'm also slim 5'5" 117.
      Yes the skin bunches when I sit and it looks worse than before. It was tighter before, now it feels like it's not part of my body anyore. I wish I hadn't done it....

    2. I would not say it tightens. I don't feel it looks worse, and for me I don't regret it. I would say for me after one treatment it was like a slight shrinking. Still glad I did it.

    3. My skin on my inner thighs bunches and is really loose now. :( If you're not careful and gain any weight, the fat can shift to other areas. I am 33 years old, too young to have wrinkly inner thighs;(

    4. I am replying to the person that had Coolsculpting on their inner thighs. How do your thighs look now? It's been over 3 months since you posted about having wrinkly inner thighs after the procedure.

  10. I am also slim and have some fat around my belly that wont go away no matter how hard i workout or diet. I did coolsculpting about three weeks ago, but now my belly looks worse, it's sticking out. Before I could hold it in but now it sticks out no matter how hard I try to hold it in. I also did not feel any pain like othr patients. I wish that i could at least go back to how I was...

    1. I remember feeling very bloated for what seemed like a very long time. I really wondered if I hadn't made a very big mistake. That bloated feeling will go away and I think you will be happy in the end. I was!

    2. I hope you are right. I'm at 3 weeks after doing my lower abs. I am scared because I feel bigger, not smaller. I took pictures and measurements today because I feel like I'm getting larger. I still have numbness too.

    3. OMG that is so weird that I am reading this today because I had my lower abs done on October 9 and I feel the same way - looks bigger, can't suck it in. That's why I'm on here today trying to get some reassurance that it will get better :)

  11. i had three large sized applications applied below the belly button and on each love handle back March 18, 2011, and still see no differnce. the cost in Panama City, Fl was over $2000.00 and i took my 5 sets of 'before and after' photos to two local doctors who could not tell the difference. I am still disappointed in the cost and lack of results. Each time I went back I was told I did loose despite no measurements were ever taken. As I travel, I see more and more commercials for CoolSculpting and wonder if the procedure has changed any. Glad to hear some of you have had positive results.

    1. Rosie: Same here, I has 2 of the big ones Lower belly and 2 small one upper belly and saw no difference, I regret doing this because I feel this is misleading, I have to go for my second follow up visit to see if there is any difference, they said there was a difference, but it was in the shape of my belly Not loss of fat. I am so disappointed.

  12. I had my arms done with Zeltiq 7 Months ago with no changes for the first 6 months. I had not gained or lost weight the 5-6 months after. Recently lost some weight resulting in sagging. I am 61 looking at Brachioplasty for comfort during the hot summers.

  13. it seems most people who have posted here are tall and slim or shorter and a little overweight. I on the other hand, am 5'6 and considered borderline obese at 188 pounds. However, most of my fat is in my belly, and when I do lose weight, very little of the fat lost is belly fat. Do you think I would see more of a result then those of you who were tall and slim to begin with?

    1. I wish there was an easy answer for that question, but I think results vary by person and how many treatments, please let us know if you do it and what you think. Good Luck.

    2. Imb296...I hope that you didn't go through with about as heavy as you are and about the same age that you are AND I can honestly tell you?...NO results and a lot of money spent...if you did and feel that honestly you got results well thank God..but I can from my heart say: Youre better off playing the lottery...thank you...a Horrible experience indeed!

    3. I haven't had the procedure done yet, but am seriously thinking about it. I too, am tall and thin 5' 7" and only 119 pounds, my stomach is pretty flat but I have what seems to me are small love handles that I hate. Since I'm older (almost 48), things are getting softer, so if I put on a pair of good fitting jeans, everything looks fine but I sometimes spill over the waist (muffin top). It's so frustrating because my doctor has said "you can't afford to lose any weight" and I totally watch what I eat and work out when I can. Anyway, long story short; I met with my practitioner yesterday and she said that I am pretty much the perfect candidate for this procedure, hardly any fat at all, just 2 small areas on each side of my lower waist. She said I will notice a difference much quicker as well as a better result because my trouble areas are smaller to start with. She said she turns away people everyday because they are actually too large for the procedure to really show any results. I'm wondering if some of the people who haven't seen results in 3 months had an area that was technically "too large" for Cool Sculpting to really work. I like that she turns away people instead of taking their money, knowing full well, they won't see results. She told me she herself had it done on her upper stomach where she had a small roll and she is also a very thin person but the area wouldn't go away with diet and exercise. I'm hoping for good results, I'm a little nervous about pain but she said that she didn't have any and neither has other people who've had it done in their clinic. Time will tell.

  14. I had cool sculpting done a year ago. The procedure is wasn't painful just a little uncomfortable. I went back to the doctor for all my scheduled appointments and was told that I wouldn't see any results till about 3 months after the procedure was done. After 3 months there was no change. After 6 months still no change. It is now a year and I am out $1500.00 and still have belly. I am 5' 5. And weigh 126 lbs. I just wanted to get rid of that middle aged ring around my abdomin.

  15. I am 64, 5'2" and weigh 134. I have had coolsculpting done on my upper abdomen and my lower abdomen twice. Also I have had my love handles done once. I take many medications for my heart so my
    results take about 6 months. I assume it has to do with the liver and
    the additonal burden of processing drugs and than working on the fat
    elimination. I can say that this process is a great alternative to an invasive treatment and does sculpt the area being treated. An excess of fat in the area being treated will probably require more than one treatment. The stomach area seems to be sensitive and I did require
    a mild pain killer for a couple of weeks. The love handles had some
    soreness but I didn't require pain meds. I love it and would do it again.
    It is great for people that can't have an invasive treatment done.

  16. I'm 5'1 112 lbs and was looking for a lil something affordable to help with my pooch at the front, thinking I would be goof with one treatment $750 no she quoted me 5-6 which was $3,500 yah, I'll go work out! They advertise online oh only 1 treatment, it's bate just to get you there and then they will tell you you obviously need more. Having her tug at my fat was pretty uncomfortable and I'm still feeling sore...did free consultation today, nope I'd rather not and yup what a disappointment :(

  17. Hi! I just had my CS done yesterday, and I do agree with all your review Laura. I am VERY swollen, which is very umcorfortable. My lower abdome (where I had it done) is about half numb, if I don't move I am as normal, but if I move too much then I get a stinging sensation, combined I guess with a heavy soreness. I am just worried, like others have said, that the results go the other way around and it just gets larger. For how long did your swelling last? Thanks so much, great review btw :) Lou.

    1. Hi Lou,
      Everyone I have talked to goes through the swollen bloated stage for awhile, it really varies from person to person. I felt like that for probably a couple weeks which I wasnt expecting and I also had the numbness about a week. It will pass and for me the pain really wasnt bad, for me it was more a weird feeling like I had done something to my body that I shouldnt have. It has now been a year for me and I will repeat that it is so subtle that Im still not sure it was worth it but I also only did it once. Please let us know how you make out.

    2. First I want to tell all you ladys,"Thank You!"Second that my heart goes out to each and everyone of you and so many other women who are now quite a few dollars less and not belly fat-less. I am thanking you because for the first time in my life i was going to spoil myself. Not my husband, not my kids, not one if my girlfriends but me. The belly freezing was going to be my treat. Now I will try to save the $1500 I have and hope one day there is something we ladys will come across to rid of the mid-drift. It would be great for everyone to keep in-touch and maybe form some kind of support group. We can all just keep trying different diets,gimmicks, exercises and so forth until one and then all hit the belly be gone jack-pot!! Keep your faith. JESSIE D.

    3. I had it done and my stomach instead of it being large it is puff up in the center I regret doing it

  18. My husband and I are planning on having this done at the end of February. Do you mind sending some before and after shots? I am 5'1 and weigh 127 pounds and 45 years old. I am a little worried about my skin just turning saggy and if I would be better off with a tummy tuck. I am also concerned how long does the effects last after a year? Can you still gain it back over time with the remaining fat cells you have left? The lady was talking about double stacking the procedure, so I was wondering also has anybody had that done before?

  19. The fact that this procedure is non-invase and you don't have to go under the knife (which is scary!), is a big plus for me already ;) I guess you really have to do this with exercise and diet too for better results?

  20. I had coolsculpting done March 6th. The procedure itself was not painful at all. i thought that I would be the one that could just glide through the 3 months and wake up with a flat belly! not so! Firstly, I am 5'3 125 and in menopause and have that annoying pooch everyone talks about, Before coolsculpting I could hold it in and still look the same, Since coolsculpting, I am bloated and still numb. Over the weekend had annoying pain like jabbing which i used ice on and advil. It's only been 11 days and i know i'm not supposed to expect results for 3 months, but i am concerned that i will have this stomach now forever.

    1. I have been reading the reviews & have decided to stick with the simple exercise board that has helped me slim the waist & the muffin top. It's new, but so easy & fun. It's called the Simply Fit Board, & it's very inexpensive.

    2. have you seen any results?

  21. Hi everyone, i need your opinions. I am 30 years old and I weigh 185lbs.
    My diet is not that bad and I exercise 4 days a week or so. I have a thyroid issue so it is really hard for me to lose the weight. I have an appointment on Monday, March 24th to go for my first procedure on my stomach. I am really nervous, but I am tired of having this fat on my stomach and I really need advice

  22. Valerie,
    I try to stress to all how subtle the difference is. Of course I only did one appointment and I am sure results vary per person and with multiple appointments. I think the good thing about this is it is fairly inexpensive in comparison to other procedures and it is non invasive, however I think everyone should go in with realistic goals and understand it will not be a drastic change. That being said I think many of us are happy with the small change it provides. I strongly urge you to take pictures as I wish I had so I could see if there was a change. Please let us know how you make out.

    1. Everyone mentions a small change How small 1 inch or so? If it's only 1/4 inch it's not worth it. I am not sure I will have this done. I had a flat stomach even after having 2 children. My stomach went back within 6 months and nursing also helped I never gained much weight when pregnant. I was in my late fifties when I gradually gained 10 lbs. and my stomach has gotten bigger ever since. I'm 76, 5'6" weigh 130. I need to lose at least 1inch. Does that sound feasible?

  23. Just had my second Cool Sculpting done 6 days ago. First treatment was 5 weeks prior to this one and I had abdomen and love handles done both times. For reference, I am 5'6" and approx. 138 pounds. Immediately after the first treatment I felt pretty normal and days 2-5 I just felt a little sore like I had done a few too many crunches. Love handles had zero pain or weird sensations. Days 6-10 I had little bee stings or tingling, but not enough to keep me awake at night or need medication. After day 10, I just felt a little numbness, which lessoned over weeks 4-5 and then normal. Tomorrow will be the 6th day since my second treatment, same areas, and so far so good. I do see some change in my stomach area, as it has gotten a bit smaller, but my love handles are much improved. Hopefully I will see even better results in the next few months.

    1. Same areas? We all need to watch out for conflicting information. I was told you can not do the same area again before 8 weeks. I think some of these places are looking for the hard and quick sell over long-term results and happiness.

      I had my inner thighs done three weeks ago and my love handles done two days ago. I am comfortable, but I am not expecting huge results. I was only aiming for one treatment area, and then I was encouraged to do a second area. And THEN they're telling me that I'll get better results if I do more times... But enough is enough. This is expensive, and I can also diet and exercise. I agree with people that I need to expect a small shift. Being noninvasive is helpful and hopeful, but this can add up and it sounds like not everyone gets results. So, I think Coolscuplting might be good for small adjustments or areas other things just don't work on. This is not a good way to just magically lose weight and gain soe perfect shape.

  24. I’m 5’6”, 135lbs and have had my upper and lower abdomen, love handles and inner thighs treated…8 hours total, on January 15th of this year. My results have been pretty great. I think it’s VERY important which clinic you have coolsculpting done at. The doctor and technician did a fantastic job explaining that in order to get WOW results, often people need multiple hours of treatment, however if budget is a concern and you can only afford one or two hours, you will still get results, but they will be quite subtle as Laura has been saying. The clinic should also be taking proper before and after pictures, otherwise you forget what you looked like 3 months ago...I know I did! I was definitely a bit swollen, tender and somewhat numb for about 2 weeks afterwards…it does go away…worrying about it won’t help you heal any faster – it’s a natural process your body must go through! The doctor made it very clear that I should maintain my healthy lifestyle and if I gained weight after the treatment (not 2 or 3 lbs, but 15 or 20!), that I could see it show up in other areas and not be as happy with my outcome which makes complete sense to me. I would definitely recommend it for people who wouldn’t consider surgery and can invest some time and money.

  25. Had this done a month ago and alot of you talk about your pooch being bigger then before after the procedure in the first month. My doctor adviced me that the most important factor you can do after the procedure is to massage the area. I thought he was crazy cause there has been no talking about this online but I did it anyways fingured it cant make it worse. And as bad as it hurts you need to massage your tummy after th procedure for 5min 3times a day. It is extremely painful dont get me wrong! I hate it,but lotion makes it better. Massaging it area after not only helps break up the releasing fat and helps it expell easier but it also brings your sensation and old norm body back so that the numb swollen imflammed look is not so discouraging and you feel normal and then wait for the results it takes time! Its only been a month fpr me but I feel so much better and I believe its due to the massaging it hurts at first but def makes the area treated over all feel better, it take dedication too I massaged my tummy all three weeks and plan to cont. 2 or 3 times a day and have not missed. Lastly if your going to do this take your measurements! Before and after if you dont you will def convince yourself that there were no results no proof to your self.

    1. I had Cool Sculpting on my upper abdomen a week ago today. Last Thursday, my pain started & I have been miserable. Actually, yesterday I was just sick all over & wanted to do nothing but sleep. The pain is not as bad as yesterday, but still intense at times. It feels like bee stings & I get cold chills all over at the same time. Also I am having cramping in my back that feels like menstrual cramps. I had my love handles done a month & half ago and felt only mild pain. I am going to try the massaging, if I can stand to do so. I won't do this again.

  26. I am going for a consultation for cool sculpting on may 1st. cant wait. I had lipsuction done back in august. and the results were great. however later in the year i had back issues and ended up having to have back surgery and was laid up for nearly 3.5 months. in that time i gained weight but it went to other areas and now my weight gain looks odd. cant afford to be off work for lipo again so i want to do this. hoping the cost will be much less and the results will be good. Im worried about the swelling/bloating. was it physically noticiable to others or did you just feel bloated?

    1. Hi All,

      I had my stomach and love handles done a month ago. I am 47 years old, 5'2 and weigt 135. Two weeks after the procedure I should have come on my period. It was delayed by 3 weeks. Not sure if that had anything to do with it. I am a healthy eatier. But lately all I want is crap food...strange. Anyway, I really hope this works.

  27. I am 58 years old, 5'4", weight 113. My family has a history of saddle bags on the outer thigh but I have it worse than anyone. Does this procedure work on this area? I exercise by treadmill and walking but nothing has helped. Any thoughts or suggestions...........

  28. I just had this done about 4 weeks ago and I've already lost about an inch from my belly. I'm 5'10, 170lbs and 36 y/o. I work out 5-6 times a week and I have a very strict diet. I only did this because I could not lose the belly fat even with a stellar diet and workout regimen. The procedure was not painful at all, but it was a little uncomfortable. I had very little swelling and no pain afterwards. A little itching on the 2nd and 3rd day post-op, but that is it. The doc said I responded very well and will look even better after 8 to 12 weeks post-op. The only thing I still worry about is that my belly is still numb. Hoping that goes away.
    I would not recommend this to people who don't exercise and don't eat right. This procedure does kill fat cells, meaning when you gain weight, it will be very hard to regain the cells in the same area, but it is not impossible. You also need to drink a lot of water. That will help flush the dead cells out of your body. If all you do is light exercise, you should really up your game before trying this. You don't know what you can lose naturally if you don't try. It took me 3 years of intense working out and hard dieting to realize I needed this. Btw, I look the best I have ever looked. I have a six pack and completely satisfied with the results. I'm debating doing the love-handles, but that may look too unnatural.


  29. Doesn't anyone know how to spell pouch?

    1. Pouch is a bag you carry maybe with change in it. Pooch is also a descriptor for a protrusion. Paunch.... Good word also

  30. it's not a pouch - those are for kangaroos! it's a pooch!!!

    I'm going in tomorrow and next day for 12 treatments!! Anybody hear of, or have experience with that?

    I'm 46, on the recovery side of the menapause hill and have had 3 kiddos (2 in my mid 30s). i weigh 130 and until about 6 months ago when I changed jobs, was able to work out 5 days/week. Once I stopped working out, I started getting flabby really quick. Plus it was a ridiculous winter here in PA and I think I gained 47 pounds per snow day.

    My doc said there are some good results on a current study that combines coolsculpting with exercise, as the metabolism seems to speed up a bit following the procedure so exercise is a little extra beneficial. I'm going to try to fit some exercise in 3 days/week to see if the combo will help give me the results I'm hoping for.


  31. Wow! Supposed to get mine done this week. Now I'm scared to

    1. I am going in November and now I am terrified,lol. How was yours?

  32. Has anyone had the cool sculpting a year ago or more? What are the long term results of cool sculpting? I am considering but I don't want to have a procedure that lasts only 6 months to a year. I am looking at long term results. Thank you!

  33. How many pounds would anyone estimate was actually lost with the results?

    1. This is really about sculpting and not pounds. Use the procedure for small adjustments, and it may work out nicely. It seems to me reading all of this that the stomach is the riskiest area. The inner thighs weren't so bad, and I think this may help me w a little muffin top. But look, the applicator is the size of a butter dish - you can lose 25% of what fits in that. So it would take a lot to just change a while body.

  34. I'm going tomorrow to get my love handles and tummy done. I'm a little nervous now reading all of the comments. I'm 46, 5'5", 180. Work out 5 days a week and am very strong. Since pre menopause have gained weight very fast and so hard to get off but have had the belly pooch since my c sections with my kids 20 years ago. Even a little off of that pooch would be well worth it. Say a prayer for me!

  35. So I did it! Large for the abdomen, small for each flank. They recommended large for the sides but they did not fit so small it was. Well there was discomfort at the beginning - think of a vice grip on your gut. But as it cools, the pain subsides. Then your fat comes out in the shape of that grip suction thing and they rub it out for about a minute. So far so good. Have a wrap around my tummy as the girl said it would help with swelling. Dr. Pellis in Irvine and his staff were very nice and professional. Let's see how I am next week. -b

  36. oops. Meant to type Dr. Pilest. ttyl -b

  37. Hunter in Newcastle offer this procedure and made it far more comfortable than I was expecting. Still a little strange at first but the nursing staff were very good at keeping me calm! ended up jsut watching tv, could have gone all day

  38. Hey have you tried ultra shape v 3? The technology it uses is less painful with no downtime at all and you can see results in just 2 weeks time... coolsculpting works but it's painful with down time and you need months to see results.

    1. Vela? Yes I like vela. I also like ilipo. But they seem to accomplish a bit less? Also, you are supposed to drink a lot of water w all of this to have it be more effective - that's hard for me since I have huge Coke 0 issues.... Results are less with ilipo and vela but I think they do accomplish some minor scultping - and they supposedly help your lymphatic system?

  39. Great Blog! your blog is very informative and gives much more information about Cold body sculpting treatment. Thanks for sharing information.

  40. I wonder what happens to the fat as it is absorbed. Does it travel through the arteries as plaque? Can this plaque cause a heart attack or stroke in older people? Has anyone read anything on this?

    1. During the procedure, exposure to cooling causes fat cell apoptosis, which leads to the release of cytokines and other inflammatory mediators. Inflammatory cells gradually digest the affected fat cells in the months after the procedure. Lipids from the fat cells are slowly released and transported by the lymphatic system to be processed, much like fat from food. Because the lipid clearance process is gradual there is no harmful change in blood lipids or liver function

    2. During the procedure, exposure to cooling causes fat cell apoptosis, which leads to the release of cytokines and other inflammatory mediators. Inflammatory cells gradually digest the affected fat cells in the months after the procedure. Lipids from the fat cells are slowly released and transported by the lymphatic system to be processed, much like fat from food. Because the lipid clearance process is gradual there is no harmful change in blood lipids or liver function

    3. The CoolSculpting system controls the rate of energy extraction or cooling during the procedure. The result is a reduction in fat bulges that is visible in most patients in two to four months. The fat cells in the treated area are gradually eliminated through the body’s normal metabolic processes, similar to how fat from food is eliminated.

  41. Appreciate all the input from everyone. I treated myself to cool sculpting for Christmas. Did my stomach two cup on upper abdomen on Friday and then two large cups on lower abdomen on Monday. The process was fine. I even fell asleep. Everything was going great. Yes I have swelling felt a bit tender. then approximately 3-5 days later the stinging and stabbing pain started. It was intense enough to wake me up at times. I was told to use an ice pack because the nerves have been irritated. (to say the least).
    Do I regret doing this? Not yet because I am totally curious. Would I do anything differently? Yes I would not have done the treatments so close together.
    Thanks to this blog I had a good idea what I was getting into. I just hoped I would be one those people that had only mild discomfort. Thanks for the tips. am going to try massaging my tummy.

  42. Just got home from an extremely painful cool sculpting procedure on my baby pooch. The first 15 minutes were awful, then the pain subsided for about 20 minutes. Unfortunately, it came back with a vengeance and I was in pain the entire hour and 35 minutes that remained. It was so bad that I began using breathing techniques I used when I was in labor, which helped a little. I was determined to finish the full two hours and I did. The aftermath, however, was almost unbearable. After the device was removed from my belly I found myself in excruciating pain for a good half hour. I was given a strong does of ibuprofen and a heat pack and it eventually got better. While I was in pain the nurse asked if my period was near. I told her "yes, it's 3-5 days from now." To this she told me it can be very uncomfortable if you are close to being on, or are on, your period. WTF? Why would you wait to tell me this? I found this lack of concern very unsettling and unprofessional. I was also in too much pain for her to massage the area and I am left worried that it wasn't done like it should have been. Obviously, I have no idea what my final results will be, but I hope to see at least a 30% reduction in my pooch. Otherwise, this was a huge waste of my time and money that caused severe pain for 2.5 hours straight.

    1. Did they treat one area for 2 hours?!!!!!

    2. I hear you. I think my after pain was due to my period. Also, nobody even mentioned any nerve pain until I was done with the procedure. In my opinion, it was misleading and unprofessional. I truly hope for at least 30%, so I feel it was worth the suffering.

  43. Thank you for expressing your opinion. I have been looking into cool sculpting for myself. I think that it would be very beneficial for me. I am ready to get rid of the fat on my body. I have not made my decision yet.I hope to have a decision soon.

  44. I had this done 5 days ago, and I have been in almost constant pain since then. The procedure was painful at first but then not too bad. The aftermath has been horrible. The first couple days was the bruising, and now it's sharp stinging pain. My stomach is so swollen it looks like I'm pregnant. So far I am really regretting this decision, and I just keep hoping that it proves to be worth it. I caution anyone thinking about doing it, definitely don't believe the "no downtime" line - I've had a lot of downtime!

  45. Update: now 8 days in.. Swelling has gotten somewhat better, but the pain is not at all better. I got a prescription for the nerve pain, I'm tying it tonight and hoping for some relief! -S

  46. i would like to hear from people who have had the procedure done six months or more.

    1. On most people you see the results after 2 to 4 months.
      The max number of treatments on each area is 3 and the intervals has to be 6-8 weeks. If you have up to 5cm fat or just cellulites an "loose"skin then it's not good for you, choose Venus freeze instead
      It's for skin tighting and cellulite reduction.

    2. I posted my reply on may 22, had it done 2 years ago, and nothing, complete waste of money

  47. This is a total scam with red flags EVERYWHERE. You might as well get lipo for the ridiculous amount of money these people are taking you for. How convenient that it takes 2-3 months to see results!!! Oh and BTW...make sure your diet and exercise are done during that period of time. But it us the procedure that firms up those areas....has NOTHING to do with you maintaining a proper diet and exercise routine...nothing at all!

    I don't want to sound rude, but are you dumb or just like giving your money away? As a professional in the fitness industry seeing this stuff makes me absolutely sick.

    Google it and see what you find. Look at all the real reviews, REAL testimonials..... they are non existent. Just a bunch of company manufactured websites and I just happened to stumble on this article...probably the only authentic review on the internet. The findings (after 3 months I want to just burst out laughing) "I think it worked".

    Yeah you think it worked, without one shred of evidence to back it up. Mainly because you dropped an obscene amount of money and want to THINK it worked. Stop wasting your money, workout and eat properly consistently and you will lose fat. Guaranteed. For FREE.

  48. Excellent Blog! Thanks for giving the useful information about Cold body sculpting

  49. Hello.. Can anyone describe the pain, for those of you who have had pain? I am on day 8 with pain inside the stomach, not the outside. The skin is still slightly numb so maybe the skin tingling is coming. Just wondering about your description of pain and if it matches mine. Mine feels as if sharp, sudden cramps, or bad stomach ache. Then subsides, then comes again. Seems to be worse at night. Any input?

  50. I am going on Day 12 and still hurting. Pain has gotten slightly better from Day 8 but still a burning on the inside. A stomach ache that comes and goes. Does this sound like an experience that anyone else has had?
    I am still slightly numb and sore and swollen, and I can live with those symptoms. But, on Day 12, should I be experiencing inside pain, such as a bad stomach ache? I am worried it's something like a hernia or ulcer that I've triggered. Any comments?

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. I am 5"9 134 pounds, very slim with a belly pouch, I was told I was the "perfect" candidate. I had it done 2 years ago. There was no pain for me, but also no results. I could have taken the 1000.00 dollars and spent it on so many different things. Complete waste of money. Very disappointed.

  53. Cool sculpting is a slow process it takes 90 days easily to reduce fat tummy, but it is very effective. It saves your time and energy because we spent more times on lots of exercise and do hard gym to remove stubborn fat. So cool sculpting is the very cool process to reduce stubborn fat permanently.

  54. My Zeltiq Cool Sculpting prcedure was an absolute disaster. What Zeltiq fails to point out in their product information is a side effect called "hyperplasia". If this happens to you you won't see a possible 25% in fat reduction in the treated area. What you will see is a 30 to 40 % increase in fat. This is not ordinary fat that can be lost with diet and exercise. This fat is very dense, hard and thick. It was so uncomfortable that when I sat I would have to pull my jeans away from my stomach so that the hyperplasia could slide by the top of my jeans. If I didn't do this the hyperplasia would catch and it was painful. This type of new fat is different in that it seems to be attached to the abdominal wall as well as the skin. The only way to get rid of hyperplasia is to go under general anesthesia and have it surgically removed. I had this done. I was under for 90+ minutes. After the surgery my surgeon told me that the removal was much harder than he anticipated.
    Now begins my recovery. Along with several new surgical scars I have to wear a compression garment for 6 weeks - day and night. I can only remove it for bathing. The total recovery from the surgery is anticipated between 5 and 6 months and the first month is quite painful.
    I took the time to read through Zeltiq's literature and nothing about Hyperplasia is mentioned. I think they do a disservice to their customers by avoiding this serious issue.
    In retrospect I do not feel that Cool Sculpting was not worth having, especially with only a potential maximum fat reduction of 25-30%. I should have stuck with my exercise routine a little longer. Now I have the scars to remind me of what I went through.
    Is it worth it to take such a risk with your health for such little improvement. The only potential fat reduction will be to a very small area. It's your money and your gamble. If you choose to take the risk with Cool Sculpting I wish you good luck.

    1. Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia is a very real adverse event of this procedure. My daughter just suffered from it. She had liposuction surgery this week and is suffering terribly - physically and emotionally. Don't let any friends or family do this procedure! Her plastic surgeon stated that CS is a pure gimmick. They are not FDA Approved they are FDA Cleared which is another story. Do your research. PAH is real, and devastating. Zeltiq wants you to think it is rare - so rare that they now have a portal for physicians to submit cases. Run like hell.!

  55. I am 5"3 158lbs and i work out 3 times a week and eat healthy but i just don't seem to be loosing weight. would this be an option for me as i need a kick start

  56. Anonymous, May 27 2015,
    we are about the same size I am also 5'3'' and weigh 153 and I got my treatment a few days ago. And so far what they have said is true I am in the swelling stage with a little pain nothing that a Tylenol wont fix. I also work out and eat health. Though the past couple days I have been a little to sore to lift but I have walked. So if this is something you are intrested and would like to see results I can keep you posted

  57. Anonymous, May 27 2015,
    we are about the same size I am also 5'3'' and weigh 153 and I got my treatment a few days ago. And so far what they have said is true I am in the swelling stage with a little pain nothing that a Tylenol wont fix. I also work out and eat health. Though the past couple days I have been a little to sore to lift but I have walked. So if this is something you are intrested and would like to see results I can keep you posted

  58. I weigh 145 and my lower belly skin is stretched due to pregnancy and the fat was soft and squishy. Coolsculpting worked great in this area, a reduction of around 2 inches. It did nothing for the firmer fat around my mid section though. Then through Groupon I had $100 treatments, yes you read correct, in Perth Western Australia. You even get 2 heads for that price though she only leaves them on for 30 minutes. The practitioner said she doesn't want the fat to freeze. Tried my mid section again but still no results. Happy with the results on my back, I now have more of an hourglass figure. I will be getting my inner thighs done next and have confidence it will work because the fat is the soft squishy kind. I tried Vanquish on my mid section and had no results. Looks like Lipo will be the only solution.

  59. I'm sitting here reading your reviews. I'm excited but a little nervous about my coolsculpt appointment tomorrow.

  60. I had it done about a year ago and I couldnt tell the difference. I am in menopause so I have to work harder to keep the belly fat down but it was a waste of money. They didnt tell you a lot about recovery and they dont check on you after its been done. I didn't have a lot of pain but I worked out and saw better results. Its a waste! it may work on some areas of the body but the stubborn belly fat is not one of areas.

  61. Im on day 3. I had 6 areas done. four on my belly and 1 on each of my love handles. The procedure was easy. The first 5 minutes the cold is a little irritating but after that you don't feel anything. Now when the applicator comes off you get 3 minutes of aggressive massaging. now the massaging is quite uncomfortable, definitely the worst part of the procedure. But the RN who gave handled my treatment told me that the massaging was the most important part and that if it was done then the outcome would not be as good. could this be why some people have had less then stellar results? Anyways so far the pain afterwords is minimal but the swelling is annoying. looks like I'm pregnant! hoping for some good results.

  62. I have gone through menopause and having 2 children and not a big person. 5'4 and 130 pounds. I have love handles and hate the way they look when I wear certain clothes. I have always had a lower belly pooch but has gotten worse with menopause. I play soccer and work out, I try to eat right but I still live. I have read about cool sculpt and have contemplated about having cool sculpting and read a lot of reviews and reviews of doctors office as well. I would suggest if you are going to have the procedure to find a good doctor's office with good reviews. I was able to find a doctors office that I really liked and went in and talked to the lady that does the procedure. She had cool sculpting done as well so she was able to answer specific questions first hand. I bit the bullet and had my love handles done 3 days ago. I had some pain after the machine was removed on the left side when they started massaging but they put some atopic cream for the pain on it and that took care of it. It feels like burning when you have your hand in snow or frozen ice to long and when it starts to thaw out. I took couple of ibuprofen that evening and that morning just in case but have had no real pain. My sides some time itch or sting but nothing that lingers are is consistent. I am not sure if I see any results and I am going back in a month to do the lower abs. I hope it works, I don't have to have a flat stomach but I would like to see some results. I really don't won't to have a tummy tuck, painful, lots of money and horrible scar.

  63. Wow such a great information. Thanks for sharing such a useful and informative post.
    Cool Sculpting

  64. Ladies please take that money n go do lipo I did lipo breast augmentation n brazilian butt lift....10gs...instant result from your lipo yes it is a painful procedure, but its worth every penny...I have the same problem with lower pooch on my stomach but I have a hernia in my navel so I still have a very small pooch there until I get the hernia remove..alll this done in miami...

    1. How do you like the Brazilian butt lift?

  65. I've been looking to have the non-invasive fat freezing treatment, from what i can tell the best results are to be seen on stubborn fat such as love handles and that it is best if you have a healthy life style, am i wrong in thinking this? Will it work on all fatty areas?

    I read an article that explains how fat freezing treatments actually works

    If someone can help me in answering my questions?

  66. Does anyone have any experiences to share about the upper arms? I was psyched about my consultation for next week but am feeling hesitant after reading some of the more negative commentaries.


    1. the process is mildly uncomfortable for the first 5 minutes and does work.

  67. I'm really wanting to try this on my upper arms as well. Excessive upper arm fat is a genetic trait on my mom's side, unfortunately, and I would love to get rid of this flab.

  68. Great information. Thanks for sharing this such a useful and informative blog post. Keep posting.

  69. Had 2 cool maxi pads either side of my upper stomach a week ago today 1 hour and 15 mins on. Bad pain, swelling, numbness to skin, stabbing pain internal. Hot spots! I'm worried I've done damage to internal organs any advice would be helpful

  70. I'm 5'1", 110lbs and have stubborn belly fat that causes a pooch even with healthy eating and 5 days per week workouts with weights and cardio. I had four small tips around my abdomen (1 hr each) costing $2400 in Austin, TX. today. Experienced moderate pain during the procedure with cramping and pinching that could be ignored after the first 5 minutes with reading. 4 hrs after, My belly is very swollen and I have random bee sting and stabbing pains especially when bending over , laughing or getting up from sitting. My post procedure instructions are to wear a compression garment for 8 hrs daily and drink 2 ltrs. of water and maintain a healthy diet with exercise. I'm not looking forward to the next few weeks but hope the results show up after 3 months. The office says I should return in 30 days for a second round but I am undecided at this point.

    1. Please followup with results...

    2. At two weeks post procedure, the swelling is gone and the pains milder and less frequent. The treated area feels better while the compression garment is being worn. When it's off, it feels numb and tingly and bruised but with little discoloration. It is also a bit itchy. Firm spots have developed around my navel which I massage deep into the tissue with my thumbs and that seems to soften them. This does hurt and the office tells me that area is more fibrous. 3 months is a long time to wait for results, I hope they are very noticible.

    3. One month after CoolSculpting my abdominal areas, the firm, hard spots are gone and the area is about as flat as before the procedure. I still wear Spanx most hours for compression as advised but when taken off, the area then feels numb with very mild aches. An old, white stretch mark has gotten larger and turned blue. I guess the thinner skin did not react well to the suction. So, I'm still waiting for 2 more months for a final outcome.

    4. Now, 4 mths after the treatment, all pain and numbness are gone but the areas treated don't look flatter or smaller than before treatment. When pinched, it feels like there is less fat in there but I still have the pooch below my navel, plus my skin is now stretched out and saggy and the existing stretch mark looks much worse than before treatment. Maybe those over 50 who will have less elasticity in their skin should skip Coolsculpting. My abdominal area looked better before the one session of treatment I had. At least, my skin did.

  71. In 2013 I had cool sculpting done & I experience the worst pain & my result was worst than before they did the procedures! They did my upper & lower side, my lower looked better but my upper side became worst because even to this day my upper back is harder then a brick! I called my doctor & he had me to come back in & he also couldn't understand why it was this hard so he told me that he was going to contact another speacilist but each time I called them they never had a explanation on why my side was like this, they would tell me that they was still waiting on a answer & this went on for a few months until I stop calling & here it is almost 2 years later & my back is still harder than a brick! This was a total rip off!!! I should have done Lipo

  72. I did 3 max on my lower abs, flanks, and 2 smaller on upper abs. The mid ab (max) is the one that was the most difficult. I had tingling, pains, and numbness for weeks. It was not that bad though. Just uncomfortable. I have no desire to have anesthesia, have a risk if tissue damage, scarring, or lopsided fat. I would rather just have the fat removed in a less aggressive way. I am ready for more!! I did have realistic expectations. It is a fat reduction, not a miracle of baby Jesus

  73. I have excess fat in the upper abdomen, bra line and flanks. I was thinking about coolsculpting because it is a nonsurgical procedure. I had 2 consultations done at different places in Birmingham, AL. The cost from first place was $7500 but they were running a special and offered it for $6825. The second consultation said it would cost $11,000 but since I was having a few sites done would do it for $9800. I am surprised at how expensive this procedure is for a technician to do the procedure. You may also need more than one to actually sculpt the body. The coolsculpting procedure may give you results but may not. I have also read a lot of reviews stating how painful the procedure was and many patients experienced pain for 2 weeks afterwards. I really think the cost is out of control for a procedure that may or may not work.

  74. I had coolsculpting done in April 2014 on a small area of fat on my back, otherwise known as a bra bulge. I was instructed that the site would be tender and painful for 2-4 months. After the period had passed, my husband and I noticed the area had not shrunk and had grown! It was extremely painful and difficult to wear a bra properly. The facility that performed the coolscuplting wanted to document and photograph the area for a year. I complied hoping for a resolution to repair the damage that had been done, yet I still have the embarrassing lumps on my back that have gotten progressively worse. They recommended I get consultations for lipo or removal of the area, yet the makers of coolsculpting/zeltiq did not to offer cover any cost of repairing my condition let alone reimburse me for the pain, embarrassment and costs associated with loose fitting clothing and a completely different bra size and style. This was all due to ONE procedure. Look up paradoxical adipose hyperplasia after cryolipolysis. Its real ladies and there it requires surgery to repair.

    1. Thanks for mentioning "Paradoxical adipose hyperplasia after cryolipolysis." It is not a paradox anymore. This procedure is bad news unless someone wants to get fatter.

  75. I saw one of the Doctors from Botched on a talk show. He said he had the procedure done on himself. His comment was that it was painful and he saw no results.
    I would love to have cool sculpting done if the results were positive, but I think this may be a case of buyer beware.

  76. I went to the "sales pitch" .....................interestingly the woman doing the pitch was from a mother ship company for coolsculpting in MN. She was in her 20's she herself had it done and had pictures. HERE IS THE KICKER: she was fat. She was wearing a girdle under her pants. She looked fat, fat fat way fatter than her before pics. I wanted to ask her about the girdle but many were in the room so I held back. I wanted to ask why is she so large now after the procedure, but I did not. And she is the sales rep. 2 of my nurse friends had it done. within the last 8 months= both are fatter now. They told me they are very disappointed. Something is wrong with this picture. Meaning. Buyer be ware. I opted out. No thanks if I want to get fat, I am going to eat ice cream. I am a good candidate for this scam however- I am athletic and thin just a few - 5 pounds over what I want-----they told me I could benefit. No thanks. Everyone is getting fatter who does it= look at long term not 3 months - my friends are fatter and they are also good candidates. They spent a ton of money. I am not saying just exercise and eat right and this works. I am saying my friends exercise and eat right and they got fatter from this. Scared the bee-jesus out of me trying it. Good deal this thread is here.

  77. It's a scam and should be shut down.

  78. I had my inner thighs done, two times with the large paddle. The first few minutes of the procedure were a tolerable but painful burning sensation and then I felt no pain. The recovery was slightly itchy and uncomfortable but not bad. My result from 2 treatments was approximately a 10% fat reduction but left an imprint on my thigh. I haven't decided if I'm happy with my outcome. I'm 5'4", 150 lbs. and very athletic.
    Also, toxins are stored in fat cells and some people have felt unwell was the toxins released into their bloodstream.

  79. I had this procedure done 8 weeks ago and I am still waiting to see ANY improvement. This does not work and is just the latest scam in a never ending stream of promises made by cosmetic and self improvement procedures that DO NOT WORK> Strickly a money maker for these corrupt businesses. I am 5'2" and weighed 127. I am 62 and have the middle age spread that is almost impossible to get rid of after menopause. The procedure cost 2,000!!! and they wanted me to have a second procedure at the same price! Needless to say when I didn't see any result at all I cancelled the second procedure. I actually GAINED weight which is interesting considering you are supposed to be losing fat cells?? I wish I could sue and get my money back. I diet and exercise and always have. Don't waste your money!

  80. Why would anyone waste money on a slight difference? My God, you must be desperate. This is another ridiculous scam. Americans are so gullible. Stop wanting to look like airbrushed magazines.

  81. Went to Ideal Image in Peoria for Coolsculpting. Absolutely no results. It was expensive ($5000 for full stomach). I saw absolutely no difference. I told measurements before and at 2 months, 3 months and 4 months. No difference in appearance or measurements. I kept my diet and exercise stable throughout (weight also). It was a complete waste of money. The offer no guarantees, won't refund

  82. DO NOT TO THIS!!!I had coolsculpting done on my stomach. After the procedure my stomach swelled to make me look like I was about 4 months pregnant. Over the next 2 months the swelling went down. As this happened I felt like I was getting slimmer but it was misleading, the before and after photos looked identical. The real kicker is I'm a healthy 56 year old that eats right and gets regular excersise. I was rushed to the hospital with shortness of breath and was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism. I very lucky as this could have been fatal. I still suffer from side effects of the embolism and it happened a year ago. I would never do this again. Please don't do it.

  83. I am 5'1'' 130 lbs and have a big round booty. I have that little ledge that sits under my booty and some saddle bags that I want to sculpt...I am 41,exercise 3 times a week and eat well. I was told with two treatments I will see 50% results.

    No one on this thread talked about this area ... has you gotten cool sculpting in this area? Please advise!

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